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The Canary Islands own a legendary potatoe, which had received  in 2013 the first Protected Designation of Origin (POD). There are 29 varieties of the so-called "Papa Antigua“ in Canary Islands. The Papa Antigua has its origin in the Aden, specifically in Peru and Bolivia, and was introduced to the Canaries several centuries ago. Papa Antigua owes its intense flavor to the volcanic soil, whose surface is rich in balsaltic minerals. Optically, the Papa Antigua differs from other potato varieties, because it is small and usually has small holes. The Papa Antigua is indispensable in Canarian cuisine and is one of the emblematic products of Canarian culture and gastronomy.

Papas arrugadas (wrinkly potatoes) is a traditional boiled potato dish eaten in the Canary Islands. It is usually served with a chili pepper garlic sauce, called mojo rojo or mojo verde, or as an accompaniment to meat dishes. The dish is made from small new potatoes which are cleaned (but not peeled), then boiled in salt water. Originally, seawater was used, but today it is more common to use tap water with a very generous amount of salt added. After cooking, the water is removed and the potatoes are briefly left in the pot on the stove to dry off, until they become shrivelled with a fine salt crust.

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