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Mountain and hiking lovers take advantage of the slightest carelessness to return to Gran Canaria. The fault of all these round trips is the island, a very rare place that hides a thousand different landscapes under the carpet. Because Gran Canaria is not just an island filled with beaches. It is also a miniature continent, with good weather practically all year. A small-scale continent, in the middle of the sea, with a particular mixture of ingredients that make it a candy for hikers.

Its intricate orography is the first ingredient. Then the curious mixture of palm groves and pine forests, of ravines and royal trails that are entangled by the mountains, forming a puzzle of changing landscapes, as different from each other as the types of yogurt from a hypermarket is added. And then there is the Resistance.
The Resistance is formed by a good number of islanders who refuse to stop living as their parents and grandparents did, those who resist wind and tide to get on the train of haste.

It is they who form the hospitable human landscape that walkers find when they dive into the interior of the island. They are inhabitants of hidden corners that appear to fold a stretch, in small towns. Those who refuse to wear a watch and change their lives. And all this has its logic. Why are you going to hurry on such an island? It is better to enjoy living in a place where nature is friendly and makes life simple.

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