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Mojo, the rich Canarian sauce

To say mojo in the Canary Islands is to refer to any of the rich sauces used to flavor certain dishes. The mojos are undoubtedly an important part of any table where Canarian food is served and although, commonly, they are associated with potatoes, it is common to water fish or meat dishes with some type of mojo (there are up to 20 different types).
Without going crazy in La Gomera it is very easy to find where to eat some good potatoes with mojo. The base ingredients of mojo are oil, vinegar, salt and garlic. In turn cilantro-parsley is added if you want green or pepper and paprika if you prefer red with a spicy touch. In any case in each house there is a different recipe. If there are no potatoes left, try the mojo with bread because it is also delicious.




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